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Showing posts from January, 2016

About the PM

I don't want to insult him or anything because I have learned that in this 'democracy' that it's illegal to insult public officials. So can I just ask him to retire to an island with his millions. Not because he isn't wonderful and dynamic and saintly. Just because I want a change. No insult there - ok secret police?

An Insult to Democracy

The Israeli Law Against “Insulting a Public Official”: An Insult to Democracy and And Insult to Human Decency Wow it's against the law to insult a public official in Israel. This law is a holdover from the Ottoman empire which of course was not a democracy. Beyond that, it wasn't a modern government that had its little fingers in every aspect of people's lives. So for them it was an odd little law but not the end of the world. In a country that purports to be a democracy, and one that invades every crevice of your life, it's ridiculous. If I call a leader incompetent have I insulted him? Maybe. Maybe the police will make a brutal arrest and the judge will figure it out. So don't count on freedom of speech in Israel. In NY, a judge recently released some suspects because the police need to investigate more. The case is getting complicated and the evidence was weak...

Because it is foolish

Zionism is a disease. It makes people wild and irrational. I have been cofounded by all the lies told to me by olim, lies about language, work commute, medical care, community support, school quality - you name it and they lied about it, giving the impression that all will be taken care of for the oleh, all will be good. Why? Why and how could so many people be so capable of so many lies? The answer I believe is zionism and specifically that zionism hijacks Jewish idealism. In pretending to be religious, it sucks you in with promises of heaven in this world. You can have it all says the NBN ad and that's appropriate because it's what zionism promises. No more golus. But isn't that what moshiach is supposed to bring? They are cutting out moshiach. Ben Gurion becomes moshiach. For 2,000 years we have waited and they are ending the wait. And it appears to let you off the hook of mitzvos, just be covered by this one they seem to say. You are a tzadick because you live somewhere...

All you have to do

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. "But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. "All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." --Herman Goering at the Nuremberg Trials Is this not what Israel does? Israel which has not been attacked by an army in 40 years but nevertheless drags every young man and woman into their brainwash camp called the military, so that the train is filled half with solders every day. Israel, which contrary to the mantra in the Jewish...

I was never much of a zionist.

I was never much of a zionist. It seemed to me that we were kicked out of the land for a reason and until we fixed oursleves we didn't have a right to go back. But I have been surrounded for decades by zionists who assured me that the state was the beginning of redemption, that the government despite its flaws has moved on from its hostility to religion, that a majority of Israelis were practicing some aspects of the Torah,  that Israelis, despite a rough exterior, had good hearts, that the massive military orientation of the state was necessary for survival, that the military was accommodating to religious people and offered an opportunity to do special mitzvahs to serve the nation, that the country showed Jewish values. I never bought into these claims with any enthusiasm but living in New York it didn't seem to matter much either way. I did wonder about the outrage with which some local rabbanim in my town responded to the new draft law. To them the world was  ending. Relig...

What Duma Really Tells Us

By trying to show the world that the State of Israel is equally tough on Jewish suspects, the Israeli cabinet and Bennett in particular are showing the world that they are an equal opportunity torturer with no concept of a judicial process. It is obvious from their reckless actions and comments, that they lack restraint and have completely inured themselves to cruelty and likely engage in this kind of activity all the time. If this is how the treat Jewish citizens, imagine how they treat Palestinians.