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Quotes from Gadolim

"Someone who says that the land of Israel is a political homeland of Jews is mixing idol worship into Judaism!" - Rabbi Reuven Grovosky (1886-1954)

I have also read your words in connection with the sect of the Zionists who are now powerfully banded together. I do not blush to admit that I know not how to find paths, along which to go forth, against them.

Seeing that these men are known as evil in their localities, and have already proclaimed their purpose, to be the uprooting of the fundamentals of the faith and, for this purpose, the conquest of all places in which Jews live, will be as an aid to the fulfilment of their aim. In view of their announcement of all these things and their revelation of their plan in the newspapers, what more can we say? Are our words concerning them, likely to be believed more than the things which they openly say about themselves?

It is hardly credible that after the revelation of the arrogance of their hearts through their own mouths there should be still found right-minded men willing to ally themselves with them. It is a cause for great astonishment throughout the whole Congregation of the Exile, that they should be given a place and a voice in affairs, and that they should find support at a time when it is known to be a public sin.

Therefore, I find that your honour is justified in appealing to all who fear G"d, to act together and to protest bitterly and publicly, making known the things, which the Zionists have themselves made known. This will be of great advantage as this time these words come forth from a pure heart. Perhaps it will bring healing to the multitude of the House of Israel whose hearts have not yet been corrupted, and they will repent and be healed.

Let them beware in their souls lest they join in the destruction of our religion and become a stumbling-block to the House of Israel.

Chaim HaLevi Soloveitchik (Friday, 10 Elul, 5659 (1899), Brisk in Ohr le-YesharimWarsaw, 1900)

"The land of the Divine Torah is there for the people who live in it. Its most valuable product, the purpose and goal of the whole of God's Blessing directed to it, is every human life nourished by it, through its means able to dedicate itself to making God's Torah into a realisation. The land is only given on the condition of every human life respected as being unassailably sacred to the Torah. One drop of innocent blood shed and no notice taken of it drops a stitch in the bond which connects the land with the nation and both with God. (see verses 33 and 34). This holding human life to be so sacred is to be made evident immediately on taking possession of the land in the division of it by instituting the arrangement which the Torah had already referred to in the fundamental laws of Torah social life." (Ex. XXI, 13). R' Hirsch on Bemidbar 35:10

"...we need not be ashamed before the scoffers, but rather we must proclaim openly that our national territory is the Torah, and that the Land is ours only on condition that it is tied to our spiritual inheritance. In this regard, we differ from every other nation, and whoever does not acknowledge

this denies the basic principle of Judaism.” R' Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg, Shu”t Seridei Eish, vol. 1, No. 163 (pp. 512–513)

“As we look back today, it was more than one hundred years ago that European Jewry also faced a trying time. A generation filled with human kindness sought to make good on crimes committed in past centuries against the Jewish people, and opened the gates of emancipation into European culture for our people -- which had abundantly clear consequences. Spokesmen for emancipation were leaders of the so-called Reform movement, resulting inevitably in total estrangement and mass baptism. God's eternal wisdom has always shown that assimilation would lead to a rekindling of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism led to the Zionist movement, which hung a different flag on assimilation and guided it on a no less ill-fated, completely un-Jewish direction.” R' Joseph Breuer, "At the End of the Year," Mitteilungen, Vol. 2, September 1940 in A Unique Perspective, Rav Breuer's Essays, pp. 291-2.

"Opposition to the modern return to Zion has often based itself upon the now famous Talmudic passage of the Shalosh Shevuot, "The Three Oaths." What are these three oaths? One, that the Jews should not go up (to take the land) by force, and one that G-d made the Jews swear that they would not rebel against the nations of the world, and one that G-d made the nations swear that they would not enslave the Jews too much. In expounding the verse, "I have made you swear, O daughter of Jerusalem," the Gemara relates that the Almighty administered three oaths to the Jewish people. The time and nature of these oaths are not clear, but one of them entailed a commitment on the part of the Jews not to return and conquer Israel by force. Many Gedolim in Europe took this to forbid any attempt at reestablishing the State of Israel before Messianaic times." Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS, "The Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael", Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Number VIII, , p.27

“When, during the reign of Hadrian, the uprising led by Bar Kochba proved a disastrous error, it became essential that the Jewish people be reminded for all times of another important fact; namely, that Israel must never again attempt to restore its national independence by its own power; it was to entrust its future as a nation solely to Divine Providence. Therefore when the nation, crushed by this new blow, had recovered its breath and hailed even the permission to give a decent burial to the hundreds of thousands who had fallen about Betar as the dawn of a better day, the sages who met at Yavneh added yet another blessing to the prayer for the restoration of Jerusalem. This fourth blessing is an acknowledgement that it has always been G-d and G-d alone Who has given us, and still gives us to this very day, that good in which we have had cause to rejoice; and that for future good, too, we may look to none other but G-d, and none besides Him." (RSRH,Commentary to the Prayer Book, p. 703)

… if the State of Israel will become a secular kingdom without Torah, without sanctity, without the Sabbath, without Jewish education, without family purity, a State in which Jewish uniqueness will be erased, then the price we are paying for her in blood and tears is too heavy." (The Rav Speaks, trans. from Yiddish addresses delivered by the Rav at Mizrachi Conventions, 1962-1967, p. 79, in. Insights of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, pp. 138-9).

464. "There were ten generations from Adam to Noach," and again "There were ten generations from Noach to Abraham": the generations passed in review before the eyes of the Creator, "until Abraham came and took the reward of all of them" (Avos  5: 2), meaning that the entire Universe is now solely for him:  i.e. he and his seed are the central figures.

465, Indeed, this concept needs time to penetrate our minds. Even loyal and proud Jews are accustomed to thinking that the most they can claim is an important place in the world.  Jews are humble and fair-minded, and this concept is almost  repugnant to many. But the open declarations of the Scriptures cannot be disregarded. They speak clearly and declare that Israel  (not the State of Israel, which is the antithesis of the name Israel) occupies the place; it occupies the world and the Universe. R' Avigdor Miller, Awake My Glory, 464-5.

"There was a need to impress upon the mind of the Israelite who possessed freedom and land the value of the Torah. There was a need to proclaim to the State as a whole and to each individual in it: "The land which you own, the fields which bloom for you and the fruits which ripen for you--these are not your gods and your goods, these do not constitute you a nation nor are they the objects of your strivings as people and individuals. All these have been given to you for the sake of the Torah; for the sake of the Torah you possess them, and without the Torah you would lose them. All this land with its abundance of milk and honey, and all the rich and free national life which flourishes on it, are only a means and have only one object, namely, with this freedom and abundance to develop a communal, collective and individual life such as your God and Master has prescribed for you in the Torah." To impress on our minds and hearts this unconditional value of the Torah and the conditional value of all other possessions--this was the purpose of the ספירה of the days and weeks which  ואחד ב"ד וכל אחד , both the heads of the community and every individual in Israel מהחל חרמש בקמה had to count from the first setting of the sickle to the corn up to מתן תורה to the festival of the giving of the Law.

"In course of time Israel forgot this counting. It ceased to count up to its Torah and to see in the Torah the principal element in its national existence. It began to look for freedom and independence to its land and soil, to which it had the same right of possession as any other people to its own land. It imagined that it was entitled to count by its land, that it could dispense with the Torah and retain bread and soil, freedom and independence without the Torah, and "Judah's gods became as numerous as his cities". Then it lost land and soil, freedom and independence, saving nothing but the Torah up to which it counted no more in the land itself, and it wandered in strange lands for two thousand years. The seasons go round, the sun shines and the dew falls, but for the Jew no seeds sprout, no fields bloom, he no more puts the sickle to his own corn. And why? Because he wanted his activities to end with this sickle, and he was not willing to begin from this sickle to count to his Torah. From the time that he deified the sickle he lost the sickle!" R' Samson Raphael Hirsch, "Iyar," Judaism Eternal, Vol. I, p. 80-1.

After many years of hacking away at the Torah and corrupting a part of the people, an outward change took place in these anti-Torah writers. The pogroms in Kishinev and elsewhere showed that assimilation was bringing no benefits, for the mobs had attacked the assimilationists as well as other Jews. A new and more pernicious trend began under the banner of anti-Torah nationalism. The same Hebrew and Yiddish writers, in the same periodicals in which they had preached assimilation, now began to preach Jewish nationalism. Their hatred of the Torah and the Torah leaders did not diminish, and it has continued to this day. The animosity of the nationalist leaders today toward the Torah is an inheritance from the old assimilationists.

Rabbi Avigdor Miller, Rejoice O Youth! #560.

True, the assimilationists and the nationalists corrupted part of the people, but the vast majority remained loyal. But the persecutions by the czarist government caused a tide of emigration which weakened Russian Jewry and sent its sons to lands where their Jewish way of life was discontinued. Then came World War I, when the czar uprooted great masses of Jews and exiled them from their established communities, thus breaking down the painstakingly built institutions and practices by which Jews maintained their Torah existence. Then the Communists smothered most of Russian Jewry with the suffocating blanket of enforced atheism. The surviving Jewry of Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia (carved out of old Russia) were by now bereft of their former vitality. After ravaged years of wandering and homelessness, the Jewish youth had received little Torah education. A generation was thus lost, and old customs and institutions had been wiped out. The remnant returned to newly formed countries bristling with new found nationalism which considered the Jews as outsiders. In these lands the Jewish youth felt they had no future, and they fell into the hands of the anti-religious nationalists, who, buttressed by rich American funds, had power to promise them a new life in the land of Israel. Before sending them to the land of Israel, the nationalists trained them in their many training camps, where they were indoctrinated with the spirit of hostility toward the Torah. The nationalists controlled public opinion by their newspapers and their large and numerous educational institutions. The loyal Torah circles were still vigorous and of very high quality, but they were now headed in the direction away from the Torah, although still maintaining outwardly many of the practices of Judaism.

Rejoice O Youth! #561

he Chazon Ish once said:

"If it is hard to understand the whole matter of the Golden Calf, by seeing the matter of the State, one can understand it. The matter of the State is similar to the Golden Calf"

Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman once said:

"It is certain as the sun shines that the Land will vomit the Zionists out, because the Land is the Palace of the King....I don't say this either to curse or to bless, but because these are things which are written in the Torah and which will take place."

Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik once said:

"The Zionists aren't taking Jews away from Judaism in order to have a State, THEY NEED A STATE IN ORDER TO TAKE JEWS AWAY FROM JUDAISM"

Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam once said:

"When a Jew recites 'Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One' he should have in mind rejecting all idolatry in the world, including Zionism, which is also idolatry."

Rabbi Yissachar Dov of Belz once said:

" There could be, before the arrival of Mashiach, that the Satan should succeed, and the evildoers should get a State in the Land of Israel. Their state would be a big danger for every Jew in material and spiritual matters."

The Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen once said:

"In my opinion it is clear that the Zionists are from the offspring of AMALEK."

Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik (Reb Velvel) once said:

"How can the little rabbis and heads of yeshivas take upon themselves the determination of things dealing with life and death? It is obvious that the partition will bring with it the anger and hostility of the Arabs and other nations of the world. This whole thing touches on the shedding of blood. HOW DO THEY HAVE THE ARROGANCE TO MAKE JUDGEMENTS DEALING WITH LIFE AND DEATH?

He also said:

"The Agudah is nothing, just money."

Rabbi Moshe Leib Diskin once said:

"The rabbis of the generation should gather together and issue a writ of excommunication against the Zionists and eject them from the Jewish People, and make decrees against their bread and wine, and to forbid marrying with them, JUST LIKE OUR SAGES DID WITH THE SAMARITANS."

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Eherenreich once said:

"The Zionists brought us to the Holocaust. It is well known that it was possible to redeem Jews from the Nazis with money, and save many hundreds of thousands of Jews in Hungary from the fire. THE ZIONIST LEADERS WHO NOW SIT IN GOVERNMENT PREVENTED IT!"

Rabbi Shaul Brach of Kashoa once said:

"Before thinking up the idea of Zionism, Herzl wanted all Jews to convert to Christianity. When he was laughed at, he developed the second idea which was able to have more effect, since thousands of Jews began to believe they could be Jews without the Torah of Judaism."

"I am also surprised at the leaders of the Agudah who want thousands of Jews to move to Eretz Israel. How can they ignore the welfare of their children, since there is no other place on earth where there is so much heresy and sectarianism as in the Holy Land in our day."

[The Torah] forbids us to strive for the reunion or possession of the land by any but spiritual means
Rabbi S. R. Hirsch

* Not via our desire did we leave the land of Israel, and not via our power will we come back to the land of Israel.
Rabbi S.D. Schneerson

* [Zionists] want a state in order to make Jews into heretics.
Rabbi C. Soloveichik

* The Zionists have attacked the center point of Judaism.
Rabbi V. Soloveichik

Once before the Neila prayer on Yom Kippur Rabbi Avraham Yoshe Freund of Mansod said:

"It is not because they are Zionists that they are evildoers. It is because they are evildoers that they are Zionists."

Rabbi Aharon Roth once said:

"It is a miracle that these evildoers don't command everyone to put on tefillin. It is possible that were they to do it, G-d forbid, it may be forbidden to put them on."


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