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An Insult to Democracy

The Israeli Law Against “Insulting a Public Official”: An Insult to Democracy and And Insult to Human Decency

Wow it's against the law to insult a public official in Israel. This law is a holdover from the Ottoman empire which of course was not a democracy. Beyond that, it wasn't a modern government that had its little fingers in every aspect of people's lives. So for them it was an odd little law but not the end of the world. In a country that purports to be a democracy, and one that invades every crevice of your life, it's ridiculous. If I call a leader incompetent have I insulted him? Maybe. Maybe the police will make a brutal arrest and the judge will figure it out. So don't count on freedom of speech in Israel.

In NY, a judge recently released some suspects because the police need to investigate more. The case is getting complicated and the evidence was weak. This is what you call a judicial process where the accused have rights. Israel doesn't have this. They just lock people in solitary for a month and torture them.

It is immoral to tell Jews who live in relatively decent, safe, and democratic countries to come to a place like this. I don't care how you read the Ramban. 


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