“The Zionist establishment and the Israeli establishment from more or less 1948, certainly from 1949, said that the Palestinian refugee problem was caused primarily by Arab radio broadcasts, by leaders of the Arab world on the radio, asking or advising or ordering the Arabs of Palestine to leave their homes to make way if you like for the Arab armies who were about to invade to clear the battle field as it were so that they wouldn’t be caught up in the battle and wouldn’t hamper the Arab advances in the prospective war. From the evidence I gathered and I looked at masses of evidence over the years writing the two versions of the book on the Palestinian refugee problem, there is no basis for the allegation that there were radio broadcasts calling on the Arabs to leave Palestine, not by their own leaders and not by the Arab leaders from outside. No basis for it. There simply were no such broadcasts. How do we know this, because the Hagganah intelligence service monitored on a daily basis the radio broadcasts from the Arab world and issued, wrote them down and issued a circular saying what was broadcast in the Arab radio stations hour by hour, day by day. This was part of the intelligence service’s services to the army and to the political leadership. And you can go over these transcripts, the monitored transcripts, and you won’t find anybody saying leave, no Arab leader and no local Arab leader.” (Israel historian Benny Morris, Talk in Oslo 27 September 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNwTk2lpBtU)
https://www.facebook.com/FromDarknessToLightTRUTH/videos/760705497393111/ There's a few ways of spotting the paid comment makers. One is they generally go for ad homenum attacks. This one is an antisemite, that one is an enemy of Israel, this one is not qualified to speak. I also find it amusing that Noam Chomsky is considered not qualified to speak because his PhD is in linguistics but Alan Dershowitz, a trial attorney, is even though Chomsky is just brimming with relevant facts and Dershowitz is so clearly a manipulator. They are not too educated these commenters. Also, they also never respond to educated responses because they have no response and possibly they are instructed not to respond so as not to help promote educated thought on the topic.
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