Atzmon began his IDF training in June 1981, and succeeded in wangling a position within the Israel Defense Forces Orchestra. He explains this as a reflection of the fact that '’(p)laying scales at the speed of light seemed to me far more important than killing Arabs in the name of Jewish suffering.’ Three weeks before the end of his tour of duty, in the wake of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, his troupe visited Israel's Ansar internment camp in the south of that country. Retrospectively, this was, he writes, a 'life-changing' experience, coming into direct contact with the conditions of captured Palestinians, some locked in solitary confinement in what he took at first to be 1 metre square concrete boxes for guard dogs. During a guided tour, he states that, as he peered across the barbwire at the POWs, he felt that ‘the place was a concentration camp. The inmates were the 'Jews', and I was nothing but a ‘Nazi’.'[19] As soon as he was demobbed from the army, he took flight to Europe in December 1984, living briefly there as a busker.[19] There's a few ways of spotting the paid comment makers. One is they generally go for ad homenum attacks. This one is an antisemite, that one is an enemy of Israel, this one is not qualified to speak. I also find it amusing that Noam Chomsky is considered not qualified to speak because his PhD is in linguistics but Alan Dershowitz, a trial attorney, is even though Chomsky is just brimming with relevant facts and Dershowitz is so clearly a manipulator. They are not too educated these commenters. Also, they also never respond to educated responses because they have no response and possibly they are instructed not to respond so as not to help promote educated thought on the topic.
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