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The Talmud is not the problem but the solution

The Talmud is not the problem but the solution

Maybe it's just the places I have been frequenting lately on the Internet, but I'm encountering what seems an increasing number of gentiles (and perhaps a handful of non-religious Jews) who are catching on to the sham that is Zionism. No, their realizations are not theological. There's no referencing of the Three Oaths from the Gemara in Kesubos, the ones that prohibit taking the land by force or rebelling against the nations. They don't label the state a false messiah or an idol worship as many ultra-Orthodox Jews will do. What they see is that the State of Israel is not a normal country, that its aggressiveness, paranoia, self-righteousness, racism, deviousness, and sheer selfishness are taking the world down a very dangerous path of fascism and possibly even annihilation. I won't elaborate here because the evidence is so substantial that any meaningful presentation of it will distract me from the point I want to make today. Not only that but supporters of Israeli policy won't believe me anyway. They don't believe anyone who utters even the slightest criticism of what they regard, even if only unconsciously, as a religious entity -- the secular state. That's why ultra-Orthodox Jews, the real ones, see them as idol worshipers. And people who know what I'm talking about, already know what I'm talking about.

So it's to the latter group I speak. And what do I want to say to them? I want to tell them about a passage from the Talmud:

"A Tanna taught in the name of R. Meir: Why was the Torah given to Israel? Because they are impetuous. The School of R. Ishmael taught: ‘At His right hand was a fiery law unto them’; the Holy One, blessed be He, said: These are worthy to be given the fiery law. Some say: The laws of these are like fire, for had not the Law been given to Israel no nation or tongue could withstand them. And this is what R. Simeon b. Lakish said: There are three distinguished in strength [fierce]: Israel among the nations, the dog among animals, [and] the cock among birds." Talmud, Beitzah 25

What the Talmud is saying is this, Jews are built for Torah observance. They have enormous powers that need to be channeled through the Talmud's stringent code for a life of faith, Jewish style faith. When those energies are applied anywhere else the result is trouble. 

There are gentiles who have made a career out of pointing out the havoc that non-religious Jews can wreak on the world. David Duke, John Kaminski, and Jeff Rense are examples. There are many others and many more who follow them. To most Jews these are viscous anti-semites and nothing more. Their motive is hate. Their material is all false.

Not so simple. Did Jews really cause or play key roles in the Russian Revolution, the genocide of the Armenians, World Wars I and II, the takeover of the banking system by dangerous forces, the collapse of Western morality, the American invasion of Iraq, the American police state, and even war in the Mideast? Maybe I'll lose all my Jewish friends for saying this, but I think we did. Just how much a role I'm not sure, but it was significant.

But who is we? For Duke, we is most Jews with a few exceptions. For Duke, Jews are a naturally immoral people that have been shaped by an immoral book, as he thinks of it, called the Talmud. That Christianity, which he cherishes, comes from Judaism, which comes from the Talmud, doesn't give pause to his tirades is off-putting. 

But it doesn't invalidate his condemnation of Jewish Hollywood or the parts of Wall St. that have been run by Jews, arguably the most dangerous parts. As the Talmud tells us, who is wise, the one that can learn from anyone. We can even learn from Duke.

What these critics of Jewry always -- and I mean always -- fail to point out is that non-religious Jews have been the troublemakers. Is such a claim antisemitic? Well, I just showed you the Talmud which says the same thing. Jews without Torah overtake the world.

Solution to the problem, get Jews to be religious and observe the laws of the Torah. The gentiles from the Babylonians to the Czars did their best to prevent the Jews from observing the Torah. Each morning, religious Jews twice recite the Shema, ie. verses from the Pentateuch affirming the unity of God. Why twice? The Zoroastrians of the Persian empire believed in a divine duality, a good god and and an equivalent bad god, and they banned the Jews from saying their verses about a single good God. So the Jews stopped saying the verses in synagogue where soldiers came to enforce the ban and said them secretly at home. When this ban was finally lifted, the Jews resumed the prayer in synagogue and kept the one that had been said secretly. So today, we say it twice, once  out of our original intention to affirm the unity of God and once in remembrance of the religious persecution by the Persians.

On the Sabbath day, religious Jews recite the weekly portion of the Pentateuch, ie. the entire Pentateuch divided into weekly portions. We also recite passages from the Prophets and Writings that correspond thematically to the weekly portion of the Pentateuch. What's the genesis of the latter? A different set of religious persecutors banned us from saying the portion of hte Pentateuch so we said instead the portions from the Prophets and Writings. When the ban was finally lifted we kept both.

And so it goes from forced baptisms against which many Jews opted instead for death to the conscription of children into the Czar's army which, much like the Israeli army, was a brainwashing tool against Torah observance, gentiles and the renegade Jews who imitate them have been working for thousands of years to keep Jews from Torah.

The result of all that is out-of-control Jews everywhere: Communists, Zionists, Jewish Hollywood, Jewish banksters as they are called, and so many others that one starts to understand the hostility, until he remembers the history. The havoc by non-religious Jews today is a tit for tat, a divine retribution on the world for its many attempts to keep the Jews from their Torah and their God. If someone abuses a child and the child grows up to be a drug user then who is to blame?

Modern society in its decadence, much of it caused by Jews who became secular in part because of religious persecution, also is a major hindrance. The world today is religiously tolerant because it is so decadent. It doesn't care about religion so much so it allows the few remaining religious Jews, 10% of the total, to practice Judaism, at least the rituals of it, even as it imposes no small amount of secular indoctrination and drowns them in societal filth. 

So the way out of this mess is rectification for what caused it, keeping Jews from God and Torah. Thus, help the Jews come back to Torah. For that, the world must clean itself of its decadence, its atheism, its materialism and if it does that must not fall back into religious persecution of the Jews. The ones who have caught on to the problem of secular Jewry have to force themselves to see that the Talmud is not the problem but the solution. The Talmud forsaw the danger posed by non-religious Jews thousands of years before David Duke ever figured it out. 

All of this is the message for gentiles. It wouldn't be healthy for Jews to pass all the blame back to the world, so we think of all this in a different way. If we had been fully faithful to God and the Torah, then the gentiles never would have been given the power to bother us in the first place. But gentiles, ignore that part of the message. That's for Jewish ears only. We have our job and you have yours. It's important that you recognize that for anything else amounts to religious persecution and then we are right back where we started. And surely we don't want to go through the sordid history all over again.


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