Soloveitchik and Zionism – Not to be believed
hesitate before publicly criticizing the words of a prominent figure
such as Joseph B. Soloveitchik of Boston but "Religious"
Zionism has become such a monster and so threatens the future of
Torah observance that I feel obligated to speak up if I have
something to point out. Quite simply, he was not to be believed
on the topic of Zionism. Witness his thoughts on David Ben Gurion as
depicted in an article by Jeffrey Saks:
When Wiesel asked him who was responsible for this state of affairs, the Rav would not answer, but stated that it was unfortunate that David Ben-Gurion, then Prime Minster, didn't appreciate the potential of Judaism-as-religion to draw young Jews to Israel, and encourage self-sacrifice on its behalf. This despite the fact that he Rav saw in Ben-Gurion someone with a "religious connection," albeit one that was generally not properly articulated. "In my eyes," said the Rav, "he is a religious Jew -- even though he doesn't know it himself.” (Jeffrey Saks, "Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik and the Chief Rabbinate, Biographical Notes," BDD 17, Sept. 2006)
assessment of DBG is so far from reality that it does not qualify as
"judging someone for the good." It's closer to delusional.
the Wikipedia depiction of DBG:
....David also described himself as an irreligious person who developed atheism in his youth and who demonstrated no great sympathy for the elements of traditional Judaism, though he quoted the Bible extensively in his speeches and writings. (Wikipedia, “David Ben Gurion”)
then there's the assessment of someone who knew him, Yeshayahu
Leibowitz, who considered Ben Gurion "to have hated Judaism more
than any other man he had met". (Wikipedia)
about concessions with the Orthodox. Why did he do that?
was aware that world Jewry could and would only feel comfortable to
throw their support behind the nascent state, if it was shrouded with
religious mystique. That would include an orthodox tacit acquiescence
to the entity. Therefore, in September 1947 Ben-Gurion decided to
reach a status quo formal agreement with the Orthodox Agudat Yisrael
party. (Wikipedia)
other words, he was conning the religious community. A wise man is
supposed to see through that.
DBG speak for himself: "Since I invoke Torah so often, let me
state that I don't personally believe in the God it postulates ... I
am not religious, nor were the majority of the early builders of
Israel believers." That's pretty clear. Why not take him at this
word? This was a man who lead the public to sin. About such a person
the Mishnah says, "One who causes the community to sin, is not
given the opportunity to repent. ... Jeroboam the son of Nebat sinned
and caused the community to sin, so the community's sin is attributed
to him; as is stated, "For the sins of Jeroboam, which he sinned
and caused Israel to sin" (I Kings 15:30). (Avos 5:18)
is pretty far fetched to call a denier of God a religious man. Was he
so shaken by antisemitism in Europe that he was motivated
non-the-less to help the Jewish people?
many of us, anti-Semitic feeling had little to do with our dedication
[to Zionism]. I personally never suffered anti-Semitic persecution.
Płońsk was remarkably free of it ... Nevertheless, and I think this
very significant, it was Płońsk that sent the highest proportion of
Jews to Eretz Israel from any town in Poland of comparable size. We
emigrated not for negative reasons of escape but for the positive
purpose of rebuilding a homeland ... Life in Płońsk was peaceful
enough. There were three main communities: Russians, Jews and Poles.
... The number of Jews and Poles in the city were roughly equal,
about five thousand each. The Jews, however, formed a compact,
centralized group occupying the innermost districts whilst the Poles
were more scattered, living in outlying areas and shading off into
the peasantry. Consequently, when a gang of Jewish boys met a Polish
gang the latter would almost inevitably represent a single suburb and
thus be poorer in fighting potential than the Jews who even if their
numbers were initially fewer could quickly call on reinforcements
from the entire quarter. Far from being afraid of them, they were
rather afraid of us. In general, however, relations were amicable,
though distant. (Memoirs : David
Ben-Gurion,1970, p. 36 in Wikipedia)
a believer in God or Torah. Not motivated by antisemitism. Could he
nevertheless have been a lover of Jews? Witness this quote from Ben
Gurion: "If I knew that it would be possible to save all the
children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of
them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second
alternative." (Attributed to Ben-Gurion pre-War 1939 by
Martin Gilbert in "Israel was everything" in The New York
Times 21 June 1987) Sounds like he was a megalomaniac who lived for
political ambitions to an extent so alarming that all obligations to
look for the good in him are off the table.
what about his treatment of the Arabs? We are all so used to fearing
and hating them, even though Jews lived relatively peacefully in Arab
countries and in Palestine for more than a thousand years. Their
animosity started when the preparations for not just a state but for
a state covering the whole land became glaring. In his words:
us not ignore the truth among ourselves ... politically we are the
aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs,
because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle
down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country.
(David Ben Gurion)
he only want his little piece of land and be happy to allow the Arabs
present map of Palestine was drawn by the British mandate. The Jewish
people have another map which our youth and adults should strive to
fulfill: from the Nile to the Euphrates. (David Ben Gurion)
many people died because of his ambitions? And how many did he kill?
the first weeks of Israel's independence, he ordered all militias to
be replaced by one national army, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). To
that end, Ben-Gurion used a firm hand during the Altalena Affair, a
ship carrying arms purchased by the Irgun led by Menachem Begin. He
insisted that all weapons be handed over to the IDF. When fighting
broke out on the Tel Aviv beach he ordered it be taken by force and
to shell the ship. Sixteen Irgun fighters and three IDF soldiers were
killed in this battle. Wikipedia
person? Was he human? He was after all the head of the country during
the expulsion of 700,000 Arabs, half the country, from their homes in
'47-48. Here's what happened in Lydda after he ordered
the expulsion of 50,000 Arabs:
Lydda, the inhabitants left on foot, some being stripped of money and
jewelry by the IDF troops at checkpoints on the way out....During the
following days, suffering from hunger and thirst, dozens probably
died on the way to Ramallah. An Israeli trooper later described the
spoor of the refugee columns, "to begin with [jettisoning]
utensils and furniture and in the end, bodies of men, women, and
children, scattered along the way. Old people sat beside their carts
begging for a drop of water -- but there was none." Another
soldier recorded vivid impressions of how "children got lost"
and how a child fell into a well, and presumably drowned, ignored as
his fellow refugees fought over water. "Nobody will ever know
how many children died" in the trek, wrote the legion's
commander, John Glugg. (Israeli historian Benny Morris, "1948",
p. 290)
men, women, and children died that day. Religious man?
to say, Soloveitchik was not to be believed on the subject of David
Ben Gurion. And what about his thoughts on his uncle, the Brisker
Rav. Again we return to Jeffrey Saks:
addressing his uncle’s anti-Zionism, the Rav explained: “They
said of him [Reb Velvel] that he was opposed to the State of Israel.
This is not correct. Opposition to a State emanates from adopting a
position regarding a political body, which is itself a political act.
My uncle was completely removed from all socio-political thought or
response. What may be said of him is that the State found no place
within his halakhic thought system nor on his halakhic value scale.
He was unable to ‘translate’ the idea of a sovereign, secular
State to halakhic properties and values.” It is not that Reb Velvel
was an anti-Zionist, per se, but that, as a halakhic matter the
secular State of Israel did not register on his radar screen. Upon
reaching the disappointing conclusion that there was no way to
integrate the State into the a priori ideals of the halakha, Reb
Velvel was forced to retreat and ignore (not oppose) the State. At
this point in his presentation, we must pay close attention to the
Rav’s words: “This disappointment led to my uncle separating
himself from the most important event in modern Jewish history [i.e.,
the establishment of the State]. (Jeffrey Saks, The
Rav Between Halakhic Men and Lachrymose Lubavitchers)
about spinning a yarn. The Brisker Rav was consumed with opposition
to the State. The Brisker Rav in commenting on how the Satmar Rebbe
said the founding of the State violates the Talmudic rule of Three
Oaths said, just three? It violates every precept in the Torah. The
Brisker Rav was completely anti-Zionistic as was his father, Joseph
Soloveitchik's grandfather, Rav Chaim Brisker. The biography by
Shimon Meller dedicates more than 100 pages to the topic of the
Brisker Rav's anti-Zionism. The Brisker Rav was asked if we should
daven for the Zionists. He said, we should say the bracha in the
Amidah concerning the heretics. He said the entire purpose of Zionism
was to eradicate the Jewish religion. He was asked where in Gemara or
Shulchan Aruch do we see that the idea of Zionism is illegitimate?”
He replied “Gemara? Shulchan Aruch?” “Bring me a siddur and I
will show you where it is written.” He pointed to the words of
Shmoneh Esrei, “‘And may our eyes see when You return to Zion…’
In other words, we are waiting for Hashem to reveal Himself again,
and we must not hope to be redeemed on our own, before the building
of the Temple and the revelation of the honor of Heaven upon us.”
(Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 195)
about the Brisker Rav's opposition to Zionism are so numerous and so
varied. He said it in so many different ways that it is impossible
for anybody with a normal mind, with any intellectual honesty to miss
it. Witness:
the Keren Hatzalah gathering in Tamuz 5754 (1994) during the Beirach
Moshe’s visit to Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch told the
following story: In the months preceding the establishment of the
Zionist State, the Brisker Rav was very worried and he asked many
rabbanim to work hard to prevent the new state from coming into
being. After the State was established, the Chazon Ish heard that the
Brisker Rav was feeling ill. He sent him a message, “You need not
fear the State, for we have a rule that ‘a decree usually becomes
annulled’ (Kesubos 3b). So the State will not last long.” The
Brisker Rav told the messenger, “Go back and tell the Chazon Ish
that it is true that a decree is usually annulled, but that would
only apply here if the community considered the State an evil decree.
However, I fear that the community does not think of it as a decree
at all, and religious Jews will join the Zionists in running their
state. Not only that, I fear that the wicked will be nourished from
our holiness, from the yeshivos and chadarim that they support. If
so, it will be a bitter decree for us. Go and tell the Chazon Ish
that I fear that this evil decree will remain until the coming of
moshiach!” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk v. 4, p. 209)”
Brisker Rav also said: "The Rambam (Melachim 12:2 and Teshuva
9:2) says that moshiach will redeem the Jewish people from their
subjugation to the nations. Anyone who believes that it is possible
to be redeemed from subjugation to the nations without moshiach is
lacking in full belief in moshiach." (Yalkut Divrei Torah)
Brisker Rav once said to Reb Zalman Sorotzkin, “Why does the Torah
say, ‘And Esav despised the birthright,’ implying that that was
his main sin? The Gemora (Bava Basra 16b) says that he committed five
sins that day: he violated a betrothed girl, he murdered, he denied
the revival of the dead, he denied Hashem, and he despised the
birthright. How could despising the birthright be considered the
worst of those sins? The answer is that it is understandable that a
person can stumble in sin. But to sell a birthright for lentil soup –
that shows that all service of Hashem is worth nothing to him. The
same is true of Zionism and the State. The Jewish people has lived
throughout history relying on the promise of Hashem through true and
just prophets, and on their faith in the coming of moshiach and the
open miracles that will take place then. The founding of the state
came to destroy all of that, like lentil soup in place of the
birthright. There is no other sin like it!” (Teshuvos Vehanhagos,
v. 2, siman 140)
activists who were working for the observance of Shabbos in the
Zionist state came to discuss an issue with the Brisker Rav. He said
to them, “You are happy with the state; you see it as an
achievement and a place of refuge for the Jewish people. Only, you
want to make it better, that it should at least have a religious
character. But in my book the whole thing is wrong. When it comes to
pork, it makes no difference if there is a lesion on the lungs or
not!” (ibid. p. 198)
Dovid Soloveitchik reports that his father, the Brisker Rav, once
said, "Those who keep far away from the Zionist movement –
from their deeds, their money and all that is theirs – need not
fear, G-d forbid, the evil that will befall those who support
Zionism." (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 203)
said: “In our holy Torah, it makes no difference what character
this Jewish state will have. Even if it would be a Jewish state run
completely according to the Torah law, even if the president and
prime minister would be Reb Chaim Ozer, and everything would be done
according to the Torah – even then it is forbidden that even one
Jew be killed in order to establish a Jewish state. That is the crux
of the issue here. The issue is not how the Jewish state will be run,
religiously or secularly. The point is that it is forbidden for
Jewish blood to be spilled for the purpose of establishing a Jewish
state. And since it is impossible to accomplish the partition without
spilling Jewish blood, it is forbidden to accept this plan.”
the Brisker Rav would be called up for the Haftorah during the Seven
Weeks of Consolation, he would always cry. He explained, "Throughout
history, the hope of every Jew was always hanging on the words of the
prophet, "Console, console My people" and "It is I, it
is I, Who consoles you" (51:12) – and all the other verses of
consolation spoken by Hashem through His true prophets, promising
that Hashem Himself will redeem us. This promise breathed life into
every Jew. But now, the Zionists have come and created a new vision,
claiming that there is a natural solution to the "Jewish
problem." Jews must take their fate into their own hands, they
say. They think that their state somehow saves the Jewish people,
when in reality it is the worst exile of all." (Uvdos Vehanhagos
Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 189)
Gemora says (Sanhedrin 63b): “The righteous Eliyahu walked among
the people dying of hunger in Jerusalem. He found a child who was
swollen from hunger, lying in the garbage heaps. ‘From which family
are you?’ he asked. ‘From such-and-such a family,’ he said. ‘Is
there anyone surviving from that family?’ ‘No, except for me.’
‘If I teach you something through which you will live, are you
willing to learn it?’ ‘Yes,’ said the child. ‘Say every day,
“Hear O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One.”’ The child
said, ‘Be quiet, do not mention the name of Hashem!’ For his
father and mother did not teach him that. Immediately, he took out
his idol from his bosom and hugged it and kissed it until his stomach
split, and his idol fell on the ground and he fell on top of it, to
fulfill the verse, 'I will place your corpses on the corpses of your
idols.'" The Brisker Rav used to repeat this passage often, and
he would say, “This is the situation today. People see that
rebelling against Hashem will not succeed, and that because of the
establishment of the State we are suffering bitterly from our Arab
neighbors. Every day people are killed and wounded, may Hashem have
mercy. All the arms of the Zionists do not help to stop terror. And
still people continue to support the State and think that it is the
salvation of Hashem and the redemption of the Jewish people. They do
not understand that this is a threat of destruction to the Jewish
people!” (Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk v. 4, 191)
the Zionists campaigned in the United Nations for permission to
establish their state, the Agudath Israel lay leaders worked
alongside them. The Brisker Rav, fearing the great bloodshed the
state would bring about, tried to dissuade them from these diplomatic
missions. "But," someone said to the Brisker Rav, "it
says in the works of Kabbalah that before the coming of moshiach
there will be a government in the hands of the eirev rav." "I
don't believe that," said the Brisker Rav. The man persisted,
"The words of the prophets, too, contain a hint that the Land
will be partitioned and governed by a Jewish government before the
coming of moshiach." The Brisker Rav replied, "The Gemora
states explicitly that even when something is foretold by prophecy,
it is forbidden to violate the law of the Torah. It says in Berachos
10a that Chizkiyahu foresaw that he would have wicked children, and
because of this he refrained from having children. Why? If he saw
prophetically that he would have children, it would happen no matter
what, so why did he try to avoid it? The answer is, since - according
to what Chizkiyahu held - it was forbidden to bring bad children into
the world, he was obligated to make all efforts to avoid doing it,
despite the knowledge that his efforts would fail and the children
would be born anyway. So too here, it is forbidden to found a state,
for it will cause bloodshed. Even if the prophets say it will happen
anyway, it is forbidden for us to help." The Brisker Rav gave
another example to illustrate this point: "The Rambam writes
that we can see the hand of Hashem even in the spreading of the major
religions of the gentiles. These religions serve to prepare the world
for the Days of Moshiach, by bringing belief in Hashem and the Torah
– albeit in a corrupted form - to the whole world. Does that mean
that we should go and help spread these religions?" (Teshuvos
Vehanhagos v. 2, siman 140)
religious politician once came to the Brisker Rav to request his
approval to take a certain action, promising that this action would
bring much benefit to the yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel. The Brisker Rav
said, "It is written (Devarim 10:17) that G-d does not take
bribes. What does this mean? How could anyone give a bribe to G-d,
Who owns the entire world? The answer is that when one strengthens
Torah study by giving in on other areas, when one tries to cover up a
sin with a mitzvah, that is a bribe to G-d. And G-d does not accept
the fight over the drafting of girls, one rosh yeshiva suggested to
the Brisker Rav that the Zionists might be so angry at the charedim's
refusal that they would begin drafting yeshiva boys. It might be wise
to be more lenient on the issue of national service for girls, in
order to keep the yeshivos strong. The Brisker Rav said, "Heaven
forbid to permit the forbidden in order to strengthen Torah study. We
find that when the Beis Hamikdash was burning, the kohanim went up on
the roof and threw the keys up to the sky, saying, 'Since we did not
merit to be trusted caretakers, we are giving the keys back to You.'
A hand came out of the sky and took the keys (Taanis 29a). So too, if
we cannot continue the study of the Torah except by permitting
serious sins, then we are not responsible to continue it. We leave
Hashem responsible to fulfill His own promise that the Torah will
never be forgotten." (Mishkenos Haro'im, p. 842)
call the Brisker Rav neutral on the topic of Zionism is as delusional
as calling David Ben Gurion religious. And side note, I believe
the most important events in modern Jewish history would be the
emancipation of European Jewry and the haskalah drawing 90% of
Ashkenazic Jewry from Torah observance (the State did the same to
Sephardim), the Holocaust which arguably served as a punishment for
that, and the rebuilding of Torah after the Holocaust. That
Soloveitchik would place the state at the top of the list is pretty
Brisker Rav said two things are certain. Zionism is idol worship and
all Jews in Israel are entrapped by Zionism. Joseph Soloveitchik only
came to the Holy Land one time but it seems he was caught up in the
foolishness of Zionism like a person who lives there. One cannot
trust his words on the topic. It is understandable if anyone wants to
take this conclusion a step further. We were warned in Pirkei Avos:
would say: Scholars, be careful with your words. For you may be
exiled to a place inhabited by evil elements [who will distort your
words to suit their negative purposes]. The disciples who come after
you will then drink of these evil waters and be destroyed, and the
Name of Heaven will be desecrated.
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