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It's the Erev Rav

Did Israel do 911? Did it foment civil war in Syria and elsewhere in the Mideast? Does it stage false flag operations in Europe and the USA, making it seem as if Arab terrorists are on the loose when it is really Israeli agents trying to put the world in a state of fear in order to win support?

The question no doubt rankles the typical Jew. There they go again blaming us for the world's problems.

I think it's a mistake not to consider the evidence. It's pretty strong actually. And we know that Israel did stage false flag operations in North Africa and the Mideast in order to force Sephardic Jews to immigrate to Israel in the 1940s and 50s. And we know that Israel waged a huge diplomatic effort to close off immigration to Germany and America for Russian Jews when the Iron Curtain fell.

You are thinking, could Jews do such a thing?

The answer is, they are not Jews. We know from various scholars that in the end of days the eruv rav and Amalek will be in charge. Try to train your mind to remember that. The issue isn't the typical Israeli, as annoying as they may be. My view of the IDF is pretty harsh but it seems to me that the typical soldier is just following orders. I can't imagine that all that many of them want to destroy homes. The problem is the policy and the orders and these are coming from the erev rav that have taken over the government of the land of Israel.

Know that Amalek and the erev rav are capable of destroying the world. Their egos are so vast that they are capable of anything. They lie, steal, cheat, and kill. You keep thinking that Jews can't do such a thing.

They are not Jews. And they are far worse than your typical goy.


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