Not just the Modern (aka Sometimes) Orthodox but also many Litvacks have lamented the extremism that has set upon the Orthodox world over recent decades. How did parnassah become osur is one common question. The nearly completely uniform dress code for men is another. The tendency towards chumros that are not in accordance with the halacha of one's father or grandfather is another issue. Many have posed the theories -- a pulling back from the immorality of the larger world, a single-minded rebuilding after the Holocaust, a focus on mitzvos of the limbs at the expense of duties of the heart as influenced by the world's materialism. All good theories. But I have another, one that I have never heard proposed before, and that is Zionism both the influence of it and a response to it. Culturally, Orthodox Judaism has been based for the last half century in New York and Israel but increasingly in Israel. And Israel, contrary to the impression one may get in America when the great majo...
Nationalism, aka Zionism, is a century old attempt by apostate Jews to transfer Jewish identity from Torah observance to European nationalism. Their legacy is arrogance and violence. Here, we expose some of their many lies, thefts, and warped ideas.