That's their military wing. And they are horrible. So is the Iranian regime. So is Saudi. So is Egypt. But those countries don't attack Israel because they don't want to risk their wealth. Let the Palestinians have their own little corrupt Arab country - like all of them - the rich will take everything and use their military to keep the people in line. They don't want to lose their palaces. Israel's mistake is that despite all the posturing we are a bunch of Jewish pussies. I say this as a Jewish pussy. We act like we are so tough but we are wimps and can't handle anybody calling us names or disliking us. So we go overboard with our American weapons and are unwilling to live with the risks of life. We crush the Pals too much and they come back and kill us. We lose people every year due to our paranoia. There's a few ways of spotting the paid comment makers. One is they generally go for ad homenum attacks. This one is an antisemite, that one is an enemy of Israel, this one is not qualified to speak. I also find it amusing that Noam Chomsky is considered not qualified to speak because his PhD is in linguistics but Alan Dershowitz, a trial attorney, is even though Chomsky is just brimming with relevant facts and Dershowitz is so clearly a manipulator. They are not too educated these commenters. Also, they also never respond to educated responses because they have no response and possibly they are instructed not to respond so as not to help promote educated thought on the topic.
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