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The offensiveness isn't the problem as much as all the insults are just a waste of time. I want to trade facts and arguments and it's hard to find someone to do that with on this topic. I am not intellectually dishonest. That's for sure, but I certainly need to be more informed. So inform me. That's fine. I also am not anti-semitic or a self-hating Jew, or a liberal or any of the other silly insults that people throw around to end discussion.What's intellectually dishonest is the assumption that Jews are always wonderful and Arabs are always bad. That presumption needs to be suspended at least for a few minutes if anyone is to break out of the rigid destructive thinking on this matter.The economic embargo started after Gaza elected Hamas, and before any violence by Hamas. The violence followed the embargo. That's important. Now why did Gazans electe Hamas? Polls showed that they perceived Hamas as the less corrupt party. The West thinks of Hamas purely as a terrorist group. Netanyahu makes sure of that. But 90% of their work is social service. And like any group of people they worry about food and medical care and Hamas is better at delivering that. You may ask, would I vote for a party that also threatens Israel? No because that would be stupid. I didn't say the Gazans are smart. But also, threats in the Arab world are a dime a dozen. They don't take these things so seriously. US leaders are very careful with words. That's not how life is in the Arab world. Something like 80% of Gazans said they want Hamas to change its position on Israel.Now what about this charter. Have you ever seen the Likud charter. It's the same thing basically. This charter was written by two guys decades ago. And who cares what they wrote. You think Egypt likes Israel? But we have had peace with them for 40 years. You think Greece likes Turkey? All kinds of countries live side by side even as they hate each other. I say, give them their own country, don't blockade them, and if they attack you it's war. But what we have now is not war. It's a modern military dropping bombs (that they didn't make) on civilians.


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