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the antithesis of the name Israel

464. "There were ten generations from Adam to Noach," and again "There were ten generations from Noach to Abraham": the generations passed in review before the eyes of the Creator, "until Abraham came and took the reward of all of them" (Avos  5: 2), meaning that the entire Universe is now solely for him:  i.e. he and his seed are the central figures.

465, Indeed, this concept needs time to penetrate our minds. Even loyal and proud Jews are accustomed to thinking that the most they can claim is an important place in the world.  Jews are humble and fair-minded, and this concept is almost  repugnant to many. But the open declarations of the Scriptures cannot be disregarded. They speak clearly and declare that Israel  (not the State of Israel, which is the antithesis of the name Israel) occupies the place; it occupies the world and the Universe. 

R' Avigdor Miller, Awake My Glory, 464-5.


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