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Democracy? Rule of Law? Americans Don't Be Fooled

On the night of Wednesday 10 Iyar and police forces raided Yitzhar and served four students of Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai, two of them minors, with administrative orders banning them from entering Yehuda and Shomron.

The two minors were served with orders banning them from entering Yehuda and Shomron for six months. One of them is allowed to enter the community of his residence in Gush Etzion. The adults were served with orders banning them from entering Yehuda and Shomron for four and nine months. All four students are prohibited from making contact with approximately 20 specific individuals. The orders are signed by IDF Central District Commander Major-General Roni Numa and Home Front Commander Brigadier-General Dedi Simchi.

The orders were issued without presenting evidence or a holding a trial and rely on ordinances for times of emergency dating from the British Mandate. Major-General Numa’s orders were issued after he was convinced that “[the order] is essential for the security of the State, the peace of the public, and maintaining public order.” Brigadier-General Simchi’s order was issued after he examined “intelligence information” which indicated “involvement with illegal activities and violence which endanger Palestinians and their property.”

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