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The Superior Race

That's what I have been taught my whole life, that I am part of the superior race. Smarter, more just, more compassionate, harder working, more energetic, more moral - and not just more, but much more, incomparably more.

Those goyim. Those Nazis. They are all so bad. How did they all stand by and let us get killed?

And I find myself asking the same question of the Jews in my community. Don't you realize what our armies are doing in the territories? Do you grasp what kind of damage ten to twenty thousand tons of explosives can do to civilian populations. The explosive power is roughly that of the Atomic bomb that the Americans dropped on Hiroshima. 16,000 homes were destroyed. Would you like to see pictures of the dead children in Gaza, all 500 of them?

No, they don't want to see it. They like life in Berlin. They are proud of their powerful fighting force that takes on all the enemies of the world, those commies, those Jews, all the world that is out to persecute us. We are going to get them now. We have the power. So what if their children die. They are just vermin anyway.

Do I sound like a German in 1942 or do I sound like a Modern Orthodox Jew in 2016?

It is time to disallow the joining of the word Modern to Orthodox? In Orthodoxy we don't steal even a shekel's worth of anything. And what is more valuable than land? We don't murder, not even those yucky goyim. In Orthodoxy, we don't have lazy minds and we don't lie.

Is it time to disallow the joining of the word religious to Zionist? In other words, if you are one, you are not the other. Take your pick. What's it going to be?

Elijah went before the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." But the people said nothing. Kings 18:21

And where did Elijah utters these words? Present day Haifa.

And what are the people of Haifa answering today? In Tel Aviv? But more importantly, what about those in Gush Etzion, in Ra'anana, in Beit Shemesh. Choose your god. Are we still the superior race if we make the wrong choice? If we lie, steal, and murder are we still the superior race just because we have the second most listings on the NASDAQ exchange?

Choose your god and choose soon because worldly power always fades or just plain collapses. And the choice will be much easier if we are weak again. Choose correctly when we are strong.


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