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More Informed Perspective

Some experienced olim calmed me down today with their assessment of Israeli politics. Yes, it's a kind of democracy as evidenced by labor governments of late that offered a Palis. state. Much of what you see on TV is staged. One guy told me that he was driving in Hebron passed some Arab school girls. Suddenly a media truck passed and the girls started screaming as if they were being chased by nearby solders, which they weren't. It was a show for the cameras. Yes, there is a free press and I was given some examples of columnists who are very critical of the PM.

I asked also about the bombastic comments from Bennett. My thought is if a  gov. leader openly talks about torture that it must go on all the time. But I considered that it might just be Israeli frankness. My friend proposed it's what the public wants to hear, whereas in the US, it wouldn't be what the public wants to hear.

All acceptable answers, sort of, kind of.

I might be too old for aliyah. My values and expectations are set and I don't know how to take all of this.

One guy was in a combat division and worked extensively in the territories. He said he never hurt anyone but did arrest some kids. I was appalled and he explained how it's a combo of not wanting to be arrested by superiors and wanting to come home alive. He isn't happy about the memory and is a leftie now.

So my journey continues. And I continue to post what is becoming an online journal to show the ups and downs and confusion that comes from moving here.


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