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Some Strange, Upleasant, and Scary Things About Beit Shemesh Aleph

1. It doesn't have a hospital. The  nearest one is in Jerusalem which I promise you is not close. Put it this way, every time I take the bus, the ride lasts an hour. The nearest emergency center is near the train station which is a 15 minute drive without traffic, 45 minutes with. And as emergency centers go, it doesn't look very large or elaborate. More like a doctor's office.

2. There's no Ulpan in the summer. And there aren't many offerings during the rest of the year. Few tutors too. In general, there's not much of a language learning effort going on in Beit Shemesh Aleph.

3. The commute to Tel Aviv is formidable. 45 minute bus ride to the train. 45 minutes to the first train stop in Tel Aviv.

4. There's a minimal police presence. Not that I like to have my community swarming with police, but it's nice to have a few around given the quantity of enemies we have in this country.

5. The bus drivers take your money as they drive and often fiddle with the unreliable receipt machines as they drive. And yes, they take their eyes off the road.


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