It's shocking really, but they are nearly as fry as your fry relatives in San Francisco. The young chilonim are like Europeans - blue jeans and smart phones. Many are wonderful people. However, they don't talk politics. They don't talk about Zionism. And they never heard the terms Chumash or Tisch. They never heard of Samson Raphael Hirsch. If they have religious feelings, they don't share those feelings - though of course with Judaism one can express himself with action. So in truth it's hard to know. I know Orthodox people who never say a peep about religious feelings either. Many appear to do nothing but do quite a lot. So who really knows. But if I were forced to say, I'd say we are talking about a post-Zionist, post-religious Israel in large swaths of it. This is what the anti-Zionist, anti-Mizrachi gadolim of Europe feared. There's a few ways of spotting the paid comment makers. One is they generally go for ad homenum attacks. This one is an antisemite, that one is an enemy of Israel, this one is not qualified to speak. I also find it amusing that Noam Chomsky is considered not qualified to speak because his PhD is in linguistics but Alan Dershowitz, a trial attorney, is even though Chomsky is just brimming with relevant facts and Dershowitz is so clearly a manipulator. They are not too educated these commenters. Also, they also never respond to educated responses because they have no response and possibly they are instructed not to respond so as not to help promote educated thought on the topic.
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