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The IDF destroyed 16,000 homes in Gaza

The IDF destroyed 16,000 homes in Gaza but won't allow building materials into Gaza on the pretext that they could be used for terror tunnels. Thus, they are continuing to punish a civilian population.

And it is a civilian population. The IDF commanders are quite enamored with the illusion of their power when their 'power' consists of bombing civilians with American made weapons.

They are starting up with the whole world and are full of a sense of their own greatness. Now Jews have a greatness but it's based on mitzvah observance not military power. As usual, the secular zionists steal the identity of Orthodox Jews. Shai ben Tekoa claims that the Arabs steal from the Jews - bris milah, Avraham, daily prayer, etc. But the Israelis steal from traditional Jews. There was no Israeli language and until recently, as with the Palestinians, there was no literature or cuisine. It's all stolen, Hebrew from the ancient Hebrews, the Tanach from the same source. The cuisine is just Mideastern. They steal symbols like the menorah and the magen David. Ben Tekoa being a typical religious zionist combative type looks at the world and sees only enemies. He doesn't look in the mirror and see his own problems.

The Zionists also steal the presumption of Jewish compassion and commitment to justice. They assume Israel must be moral because it's a nation of Jews but the Gemara tells us that Jews without Torah destroy the world because they are bold.

And the Israelis are nothing if not bold. They shout at the world. The PM is always 'firing back." He proclaims Israeli moral superiority as his army bombs women and children who are not protected by an army. The word ceasefire doesn't apply in Gaza as the Gazans have no tanks, no ships, no big guns, no planes. They are not an army. But an army assaults them and feels very brave in doing it.

What happens when the American economy crashes, which it will, and AIPAC loses its serpent like strangehold on Congress and Israel  finds itself alone, having angered the entire planet, having aroused worldwide anti-semitism? With half the Jews located in one spot, something we are supposed to avoid until Moshiach comes, what will happen? Is the worst slaughter of all awaiting us? Or will the land save us, the soil which holds the bodies of millions that were killed by the Romans.

Land does not protect. That is another zionist foolishness, to think the land will protect.

Only Hashem protects and he doesn't protect murderers, doesn't protect the arrogant and the non-observant, not forever. He gave European Jewry 100 years, and Israel is around 100 years now of sinning on the land, sinning in all sorts of ways.

What fools, banking all their safety on Jewish muscle, which is really based on American generosity. America isn't so generous. The Americans don't support the Jews. It's the rich Jews who have a stranglehold on Congress. But that likely will come to and end someday when the economy falls. And what then, just fools left with their foolishness.


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